Utah Mom Suffering From PTSD Struggling to Cover Family’s Living Expenses

Mary is a single mother raising two boys in Utah. She is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after giving birth to her youngest son. Mary is struggling to meet her family’s basic needs as she is experiencing financial hardship on top of her postpartum PTSD. 

The Helpers connected with Mary after a friend recommended she reach out. The Direct Giving program works to support individuals across the U.S. who are struggling with specific basic needs, like Mary. After a verification process, The Helpers sends individuals the goods they need directly.

The Helpers were able to send Mary and her sons some groceries through the Direct Giving program to help the family during this difficult period. The food items sent by The Helpers will ease the burden on Mary as she works through her mental health issues. Unfortunately, in most cases, postpartum PTSD recovery is a long and difficult process. Mary still needs support to continue paying for groceries and utility bills for her and her boys as she recovers. 

Postpartum Support International reports that approximately 9% of people experience PTSD after giving birth. Postpartum PTSD which is caused by real or perceived trauma during childbirth can cause intrusive thoughts, flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety and other symptoms. While postpartum PTSD is often treatable with the help of medical professionals, there is often a stigma surrounding mental health issues for new parents that can make it difficult to seek help. 

The Helpers will continue to connect with individuals like Mary experiencing financial hardship in the United States with the help of supporters. 


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